We are excited to announce that the new KLA Tencor P7 Stylus Profiler has been installed and is ready for use. The Tencor P-7 stylus profiler supports 2D and 3D measurements...
We are excited that our new Reactive Ion Etcher (RIE) has been fully set up and is ready for sample test after two weeks’ installation.
Reactive Ion Etching transfers a...
We are excited that our new Electron Beam Evaporator and Reactive Ion Etcher are moved to new lab today. After several months construction, the cleanroom expansion is almost...
The AutoGlow 200 Etcher has been installed and is ready to use. Two process gases, Ar and O2, are available. The chamber can handle up to 8 inches wafer. With 13.56 MHz RF...
Yale West Campus Cleanroom will reopen on 06/03/2020 for Phase I approved research. Users who plan to access our cleanroom should complete the following steps first:
Dr. Joe Nabity from JC Nabity Lithography Systems came on September 9 ~ 12th to MCC to give us onsite training on Nanometer Pattern Generation System (NPGS). Josh Pondick...
For the first time the Yale insignia receives the “FIB SEM” treatment at the Materials Characterization Core. In just a few moments, the surface of a silicon chip, around...